What sets you apart from other Colorado Springs roofing companies?
Are you a LOCAL Roofing Company?
Should I upgrade to Class 4 Hail Impact Resistant shingles?
The trend for insurance companies is to disallow the replacement of a Class 4 roof if they can determine the hail damage is cosmetic. This is a new trend and the precedent is still being set. You need to be aware of this when making your decision on whether or not to upgrade to a Class 4 roof.
Will my insurance go up if I file a claim?
Do you work with my insurance company?
Do you chase storms?
How long have you been in business?
Do you have your own roofing crews?
Does your company have adequate insurance?
Do I need Ice and Water Shield?
Are you familiar with the local building codes where I live?
Who pays my insurance deductible?
Am I really committing insurance fraud if I allow a contractor to cover my deductible?
Yes. There are many schemes by roofing companies to cover deductibles and claim they are not. We have seen fake loans, sign credits, even bandit signs advertising free roofs. This has always been considered insurance fraud. Every insurance claim summary addresses this to the insureds directly. The only way to fully recover depreciation when a roofing company offers to pay your deductible is to lie to the insurance company and submit fraudulent invoices. The Colorado Senate clearly established the illegality of this when they adopted into law what has been commonly known as Senate Bill 38. All roofing companies in Colorado Springs and roofers in Denver are familiar with this law. It is illegal for us to offer to pay or cover your deductible. If a contractor presents a clever way to avoid paying your deductible, they are knowingly involving you in insurance fraud. Please take the time to read the law for yourself and make an educated decision. Click here to view Senate Bill 38.