Wood Roofs and A Higher Risk of Fire
There are many places where cedar shake roofs, or wood shake roofs, are no longer allowed to be installed. Due to the higher risk of fire, Colorado is one of those places where most municipalities reject the new installation of wood shake shingles. We have seen enough damage from fires to understand why, in such an arid climate, using wood shake shingles is not a wise decision. (They make an excellent kindle for fire pits, but optimally do not belong over your family as your first line of defense for your home.)
This video, featuring the Fire Marshall for the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Department, speaks directly to the issue of wood shake shingles, and why they should not be used in our environment. This video is a little over 12 minutes while John speaks to some other issues surrounding fires in the Monument Area, and, specifically, the Woodmoor development. It is very educational. We encourage you to watch the whole video.
Many wood shake roofs in our area have already been replaced by a safer Class A Fire Rated Roof system. Nevertheless, wood shakes and wood shingles are still present as a roof covering on many homes and commercial structures in Colorado. They are very aesthetic and somewhat hail resistant, but an extreme fire hazard in the arid climate of Colorado. Wood roofing products include hand-split shakes, taper-sawn shakes and wood shingles. Most of them are made from the western red cedar tree.
Wood shake shingles are enjoyed by many because they provide a warm and elegant look. Aesthetic considerations are the main reason why people choose to go with a wooden roof on their home. Fire protection is not on the top of the list of reasons why someone chooses wood shake roofs, but practically speaking, in a fire-prone area like Colorado, your roofing decisions need to include the very real hazard of forest fires.
The reason wood shake shingles are no longer allowed according to multiple building codes is simply because of the fire hazard. After the Hayman Fire in 2002, Colorado Springs banned new wood roofs. After the Waldo Canyon fire, Black Forest fire and fires around Boulder and Fort Collins most areas of Colorado have banned the installation of or extensive repairs to wood roofs.
Contact us today if you would like to replace the existing wood shake shingled roof on your home. We can provide you a free estimate to know what it will cost to get into a Class A Fire Rated Roof system, a much safer roof for your family’s home.
If your home has been affected by fire, please give us a call so that we can help restore your home, and get you back to living the life that you have built. We are here for you. If you are still deciding on whether to replace your cedar shake roof, contact us today. We can provide you helpful information and options for a safer roof.